Saturday, January 15, 2011

Upon being a Grandmother

I know that this blog is my journey into Card Making, but right now I'm sitting at the dining room table of my son/daughter-law in Waimea, Hawaii (the Big Island).  Since my son's career has taken him here, as a parent, and now grandparent, traveling distances is not an option, but a fact.  I loved when he lived in Seattle and Boston.  It was either a 51/2 hour airplane ride or a 5 1/2 hour car ride.  Either way, the distance was not a problem.  But, now, it is a day traveling either way, to and from, Kona, HI.  But, who cares !?! You go where your heart takes you.  

Our first visit here was for Thanksgiving 2009.  Now, this visit is to meet my new grandson Max.  I've been here two days already and Max and I are the best of friends.  I'm his Bubbie and he's my baby grandson.  He was born on December 8th, 2010 and is working on being 5 weeks old.  He's a cutie, for sure, and I get to hold him, diaper him, feed him and do all the little things that Bubbies do, and then hand him to his mother/father for the important stuff that parents do.  Truthfully, just being here and helping and giving my daughter-law Jackie some free time, is what I'm here for.  It isn't easy being a first time mother and if wasn't such a long distance to travel, I would be here often helping as much as I can.  But, for now, this visit is not for sightseeing or oouuing and aahhhing about Hawaii; I did that on my first visit.  I'm here to be with my children and do what I can to give them some help, support and love.

I must say that being a parent of one son, who now has a son, is an unusual feeling for me.  My son Eric may be 39 years old and 6'5" tall, but he is still my baby!!!  I guess I'll just have to get used to having two babies in my life.  Eric can sit on my lap anytime!!  We just have to find a big and strong enough chair to hold us. LOL  I'm blessed with a wonderful son and daughter-law.  Together they have made the amazing Max.

One more note...I made this journey without my husband Ron.  It was a difficult decision, but Ron felt that we couldn't leave our geriatric sickly cats with our pet sitter, no matter how skilled and loving she is.  We're lucky to have Karmel the sitter and Ron's cousin Richie to take care of the cats when we're away, but without one of us in the house with them full time, we know that their health will deteriorate again, just as it did when we traveled to Hawaii in November 2009.  We adore our pets who are so much a part of our lives that we surely knew that it would be a sacrifice for one of us to stay with the cats, and Ron volunteered.  

So, for now, Here's Bubbie and Max:

 L'Chaim! To Life !!  it's too short to worry about the little things.
From The Big Island of Hawaii

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